$ 19.90
Special Linseed Oil Wood Finish
Zero Voc. Safe for Food Contact Surfaces. Excellent on Log and Timber Frame Homes.
The preferred linseed oil for large wood finishing projects. We offer a $900.00 discount on 55 gallons and drums ship free in the USA!
Safe for use on food contact surfaces. This is one of the highest grade Linseed Oils available to the public. It is the best penetrating linseed oil for interior wood finishing projects. Special Linseed Oil is made through an extensive process of removing food sources for mold. It is extra filtered, cleaned and refined using state of the art techniques. Special Linseed Oil is able to provide the lightest color and odor of any linseed oil we know of. It can be brush, rolled or sprayed on large wood finishing projects and readily soaks in. This is a fast, easy way to protect interior wood naturally!

Flax oil is made from the Flax plant. Linseed Oil and Flax Oil are sometimes considered the same thing. However, we look at Flax Oil as a "raw" linseed oil. This is considered a fairly dirty raw material. It's good for food but not so good for coatings. The raw linseed oil sometimes has metallic driers added. Within our industry this is called "Boiled Linseed Oil" or "Double Boiled" if the driers are doubled. It's not boiled. There was a time when linseed oil was boiled but nowadays boiled linseed oil is usually a raw linseed that has driers in it and often additional solvents. This results in poor coatings conducive to mold. It is basically food for mold. We never use Boiled Linseed Oil or Raw Linseed Oil for coatings. When linseed oil is properly cooked it is almost always done in a reactor made for the purpose. Usually, it is "reacted" with other chemicals, not just heated.
To eliminate the food sources for mold raw linseed oil needs to be carefully worked with. There are many ways to do this. We choose a less chemical, less reactive route for health and sustainability reasons. Special Linseed Oil starts from selecting the best quality flax seed from each years batches. Flax grows in different weather conditions. The best quality crop yields go to the highest quality end product. The lowest quality crop yields end up in the lower quality products. The oil for Special Linseed Oil is obtained from the best selection of flax crops. The raw oil is extracted which is then cleaned and refined into Special Linseed Oil. The food sources for mold are removed and the quality of the final coating is improved. This is the kind of oil a masterpiece is created with.
This linseed oil is carefully crafted to penetrate wood deeply and give it a rich, deep look. Five Gallon Pails are a fast and affordable way to finish the interiors of Log Homes, Timber Frames and Post and Beam construction.
USES: Log Homes, Cribs, Timber Frames, Post and Beam Construction, Bowls, Floors, Spoons, Cabinets, Kitchen items, Kids Toys, Fine Wood Working, Tables, Chairs, Jewelry Boxes, Wooden Sculptures, Oil Heat Treatment, Artist Paint Medium and more...
PREP: Apply only to clean raw wood. Suggested for interior use only. For exterior wood oils see Rainforest Sealer or Mountain XT. Extra wood preservation ingredients should be incorporated in wood coating formulas used on exterior surfaces. Special Linseed Oil has nothing added.
APPLICATION: Brush, Roll or Spray onto raw wood. Back brush into the wood to insure full penetration. Typically, the entire product will penetrate the wood surface within two hours. This eliminates the need for extra wiping or back brushing. However, not all wood is the same. Back brush or wipe down any area that has not soaked in by the end of the day. A dry brush on a pole can make this step very simple, if it is necessary at all.
DILUTION: None necessary. Pure Citrus or Corn Solvent can be used if desired. Can be diluted up to 50% with oil based solvent.
OPTIONAL MIXING: 3D Wood Grain Illuminator can be added to Special Linseed Oil to increase durability, hardness and wood grain illumination. Pure Citrus Solvent can be added to speed dry time.
CLEAN UP: Earth Clean and water.
RAGS: Rags soaked in vegetable oils that are left piled up, can self combust. Rinse rags in Earth Clean and water, dry flat in open air and reuse.
Read back label for instructions and precautions before use.
FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION COVERAGE: Product meets requirements for use under the following section of Title 21 (Food and Drug) of the Code of Federal Regulations: §175.300 Resinous and Polymeric Coatings.
THERMAL MODIFIED WOOD TREATMENT: Heat treatment of wood is an excellent choice. It allows the use of local woods to replace unsustainable exotic hardwoods. Pressure treated wood has consistently low quality appearance and tends to twist, warp, crack, split and decay, despite the chemical treatments. It's just not a good looking wood. Heat Treating wood can be a great way to improve the lifespan and look of wood. However, most heat treatment takes at least 48 hours of high heat in an oxygen free environment. By contrast, Oil Heat Treatment requires only 2-4 hours of heat and the oil carries the heat very well. This is much less energy use. The oil is drained and reused.
Oil heat treatment does not mean the wood doesn't need to be coated. Cooking wood with oil has been shown to have greater water repelling and stability as compared to gas / air heat treatment. But either way, the surface will do best with a quality coating if exposed to exterior conditions.
OIL HEAT TREATMENT: Special Linseed Oil bleaches white upon heating making it the ideal material to use for Oil Heat Treatment of wood. It is highly refined and does not have the same yellowing, thickening and mold growth qualities as inferior oils. Of course, wood coated with any oil can be expected to deepen in hue. Wood cooked properly with this oil will have excellent saturation, stability, water repellency, reduced shrinkage, wood grain illumination.
HEAT TREATMENT SAFETY: We do not offer support for thermal treatment. It is up to the user to determine the best safe practices and suitability for each project. Use appropriate precautions when heating oils which is essentially like deep frying a turkey. There is a fire hazard when working in this manner. Yes. Deep fryers function inside all the time but wood roasting is best done outside in a non flammable location by an experienced professional. Stainless steel reactors are used for large scale thermal wood treatment and these have fire safety precautions built into the system. That said, and now that we've instilled sufficient fear of fire, we have had great results roasting our wooden spoons, bowls and smaller wooden items. Larger items are best done professionally.
BULK: Special Linseed Oil is available in bulk drums or totes.